I think even without inforcing it a lot will change. I think a lot of jobs will turn to be exclusively online, it’s cheaper for businesses to have people work from their home than having to rent spaces, etc. So I think that will help greatly with traffic and commuting. Also I think people are realizing that they don’t have to eat out everyday or even just eat as much as we were doing, we really don’t need thaaat much to survive and we know transporting food and livestock is also bad for the environment so I think overall that will change too. And school and universities will also realize that you can just study from home, also diminishing the need for commuting all the time. In addition due to all this working from a distance I think a lot of people will move out from huge cities, having realized how much they actually enjoy the country side or just the peace and quiet of a smaller town.
Basically, I think even without forcing a lockdown, a lot of the good that we’ve seen so far will continue. Or so I hope :)
Great article, thanks for sharing!