Member-only story
Our Political Position Is Not Black Or White, Is Grey
How social media has changed our political debate
You know what I hate? People explaining their political position by naming one person. I support Bernie. Well, I support Trump. Uh, I voted for Uribe. He voted for Petro.
Since when can only one individual define a political view?
The uber-polarization of our political views is, in my opinion, a result of social media mechanics. We give thumbs up, or thumbs down. We like or we don’t. We share or we block. This gives us the idea that opinions are a black or white matter. That you either love Trump and everything he does, or you hate him and want him to go to jail.
But where has debate gone? Why do people un-friend others just because of their political opinion? Since when are politics so simple that they can be shared in 140 characters?
Of course, I understand that during elections things do turn into a black or white scheme. But, in our social realm we should debate things. Political position in my opinion is a spectrum. Even those that claim to be right wing won’t agree with everyone that is right winged.